dan Burung Penyanyi
hari ada seekor burung penyanyi dan buaya. Burung penyanyi bertengger di hidung
buaya, lalu buaya merasa mengantuk. Ia menguap dan membuka mulutnya
lebar-lebar. Burung penyanyi jatuh ke dalam mulut buaya. Buaya tidak tahu. Ia
bingung mencari burung penyanyi yang tak ada lagi di hidungnya.
mana burung penyanyi?” Gumam buaya. “pasti dia sedang bercanda,” buaya melihat
ke belakang. Namun burung itu tidak ada. Buaya lalu mencari burung penyanyi di
semak-semak. Ia memasukkan mulutnya ke semak-semak di tepi sungai. Namun burung
penyanyi tetap tidak ditemukannya. “ke mana dia?” Gumam buaya kembali.
akhirnya tidur. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara merdu yang keluar dari dalam dirinya.
“oh!” Serunya heran. Matanya terbuka. “selama hidup, baru kali ini aku dapat
bernyanyi. Wow, aku akan mengajak burung penyanyi sahabatku untuk bernyanyi
bersama. Pasti akan sangat menyenangkan!” . Kata buaya.
kemudian asyik mendengarkan suara yang keluar dari dalam dirinya. Setelah
beberapa lama ia merasa lelah. Ia lalu membuka mulutnya, dan menguap
lebar-lebar. Ketika akan menutup matanya, matanya melihat satu hewan bertengger
di hidungnya. Hewan itu kelihatan sangat marah. Dia si burung penyanyi. “kau
jahat !” Kata burung itu. “mengapa kau tidak memberi tahu kalau ingin membuka
mulut? Aku terjatuh ke dalam mulutmu, kamu tahu? Menyebalkan!”
bingung dan berkata. “jadi, suara yang terdengar dari dalam diriku itu suaramu ?
Bukan suaraku ?”
!” Jawab burung penyanyi. Ekornya digoyang-goyangkan. “kau kan tahu, kau tidak
bisa bernyanyi sama sekali ! Suaramu tak enak didengar !”
sangat sedih mendengar perkataan itu. Airmatanya jatuh. “aku pikir suara itu
suaraku,” katanya sedih. “kau tahu, aku ingin sekali bisa bernyanyi. Dan tadi
kupikir aku sudah bisa menyanyi. Ternyata? Oh, betapa malangnya aku yang
bersuara jelek !”
penyanyi merasa iba. Ia segera mencari cara untuk menghibur sahabatnya itu.
“teman, bagaimana kalau kau membuat gelembung-gelembung air dan aku bersuara ?
Kita lakukan bersamaan. Suara yang terdengar pasti sangat enak didengar.”
setuju. Ia lalu memasukkan mulutnya ke dalam air dan membuat
gelembung-gelembung. Burung penyanyi bernyanyi. Suara nyanyiannya sangat pas
dengan suara gelembung-gelembung air yang dibuat buaya. Buaya senang sekali.
Dan sejak itu mereka berdua selalu melakukan hal itu setiap hari.
agar burung penyanyi masuk lagi ke dalam mulutnya, buaya selalu memberitahu
sebelum membuka mulutnya.
adalah sahabat sejati selamanya.
The Crocodile and Bird
One day there was a
bird singer and crocodile. Bird singer perched on the nose crocodile and crocodile
feel sleepy. He yawned and opened her mouth wide. Bird singer fall into the
crocodile's mouth. Crocodiles do not know. He was confused to find bird singer
that no longer exists in the nose.
"Where the bird singer?" Murmure crocodile. "Surely he was joking," crocodile look back. But the bird was not there. Crocodile looking for bird singer in the bushes. He put his mouth into the bushes on the riverbank. But the bird singer is still not found. "Where is he?" Murmur crocodile again.
"Where the bird singer?" Murmure crocodile. "Surely he was joking," crocodile look back. But the bird was not there. Crocodile looking for bird singer in the bushes. He put his mouth into the bushes on the riverbank. But the bird singer is still not found. "Where is he?" Murmur crocodile again.
Crocodile finally sleep. Suddenly, beautiful voice that comes out from within him. "oh!" He cried in surprise. His eyes were open. "during life, only this time I can sing. Wow, I would invite my best friend bird singer to sing together. It must be very fun! ". The word crocodile.
Crocodiles then fun to listen to the voice that comes out from within him. After a while he felt tired. He then opened his mouth, and yawned wide. When would close his eyes, his eyes saw a animal perched on his nose. The animal looks very angry. He is the bird singer. "you're evil!" said the bird. "why did you not tell me if you wanted to open your mouth? I fall into your mouth, you know? It sucks! "
Crocodiles then fun to listen to the voice that comes out from within him. After a while he felt tired. He then opened his mouth, and yawned wide. When would close his eyes, his eyes saw a animal perched on his nose. The animal looks very angry. He is the bird singer. "you're evil!" said the bird. "why did you not tell me if you wanted to open your mouth? I fall into your mouth, you know? It sucks! "
Crocodile confused and said. "so, the voice is heard from within me that your voice? Not my voice? "
"yes!" answered bird singer. Shake-shake its tail. "you know, you can not sing at all! Your voice is not pleasant to hear! "
Crocodiles are very sad to hear these sayings. His tears fell. "I thought the voice was my voice," he said sadly. "You know, I wish I could sing. And had I thought I could sing. Apparently? Oh, what a Unfortunately my voiced ugly! "
bird singer feel pity. He was soon looking for ways to entertain his friend. "friend, why do not you make the bubbles of water and I voiced? We do the same. Sound must be very pleasant to hear. "
Crocodile agree. Then he put his mouth into the water and making bubbles. Bird singer singing. His singing voice fit perfectly with the voice of water bubbles are made crocodile. Crocodile very happy. And since then they both always do that every day."yes!" answered bird singer. Shake-shake its tail. "you know, you can not sing at all! Your voice is not pleasant to hear! "
Crocodiles are very sad to hear these sayings. His tears fell. "I thought the voice was my voice," he said sadly. "You know, I wish I could sing. And had I thought I could sing. Apparently? Oh, what a Unfortunately my voiced ugly! "
bird singer feel pity. He was soon looking for ways to entertain his friend. "friend, why do not you make the bubbles of water and I voiced? We do the same. Sound must be very pleasant to hear. "
And, for bird singer does not enter again into his mouth, crocodile always tell before opening his mouth.
They are a true friend forever.
Dua Ekor
Dua ekor kambing berjalan dengan
gagahnya dari arah yang berlawanan di sebuah pegunungan yang curam, saat itu
secara kebetulan mereka secara bersamaan masing-masing tiba di tepi jurang yang
dibawahnya mengalir air sungai yang sangat deras. Sebuah pohon yang jatuh,
telah dijadikan jembatan untuk menyebrangi jurang tersebut. Pohon yang
dijadikan jembatan tersebut sangatlah kecil sehingga tidak dapat dilalui secara
bersamaan oleh dua ekor tupai dengan selamat, apalagi oleh dua ekor kambing.
Jembatan yang sangat kecil itu akan membuat orang yang paling berani pun akan
menjadi ketakutan. Tetapi kedua kambing tersebut tidak merasa ketakutan.
Rasa sombong dan harga diri mereka tidak membiarkan mereka untuk mengalah
dan memberikan jalan terlebih dahulu kepada kambing lainnya.
Saat salah satu kambing menapakkan
kakinya ke jembatan itu, kambing yang lainnya pun tidak mau mengalah dan juga
menapakkan kakinya ke jembatan tersebut. Akhirnya keduanya bertemu di
tengah-tengah jembatan. Keduanya masih tidak mau mengalah dan malahan saling
mendorong dengan tanduk mereka sehingga kedua kambing tersebut akhirnya
jatuh ke dalam jurang dan tersapu oleh aliran air yang sangat deras di
Lebih baik mengalah daripada
mengalami nasib sial karena keras kepala.
Two the Goats
Two of the goats walk
boldly in the opposite direction on a steep mountain, then by chance they
simultaneously arrive at each edge of the cliff that the water flowing beneath
the river is very swift. A tree that falls, has been used as a bridge to cross
the gap. Trees are used as the bridge is very
small so it can not be passed simultaneously by two-tailed squirrel safely, let
alone by two goats. The bridge is very small it will make even the most
courageous people will be frightened. But the goat did not feel
frightened. A sense of pride and dignity they do
not allow them to give in and give way first to the other goats.
As one of the goat set foot into the bridge, the other goat was not budge and also set foot into the bridge. Eventually the two met in the middle of the bridge. Both still will not budge and instead encourage each other with their horns so that the two goats are finally falling into the abyss and were swept by a very swift flow of water underneath.
Better yield than had the misfortune due to stubborn.
As one of the goat set foot into the bridge, the other goat was not budge and also set foot into the bridge. Eventually the two met in the middle of the bridge. Both still will not budge and instead encourage each other with their horns so that the two goats are finally falling into the abyss and were swept by a very swift flow of water underneath.
Better yield than had the misfortune due to stubborn.
kala, hiduplah raja dan ratu yang kejam. Raja dan ratu mempunyai putra dan
putri yang baik. Sifat mereka sangat berbeda dengan kedua orangtua mereka.
Pangeran Aji Lesmana dan Putri Rauna selalu menolong rakyat yang kesusahan.
Suatu hari,
Pangeran Aji Lesmana marah pada ayah dan ibunya, "Ayah dan Ibu
jahat. Mengapa menyusahkan orang miskin?” , Raja dan Ratu sangat marah mendengar
perkataan putra mereka. "Jangan mengatur orangtua! Karena kau telah
berbuat salah, aku akan menghukummu. Pergilah dari istana ini !" usir
Raja. Pangeran Aji Lesmana tidak
terkejut. Justru Putri Rauna yang terkejut, lalu menangis memohon kepada ayah dan
ibunya, "Jangan, usir kakak ! Jika Kakak harus pergi, saya pun
pergi!"Raja dan Ratu membiarkan Putri Rauna pergi. Mereka mengembara. Mengubah nama menjadi Kusmantoro dan Kusmantari. Mereka pun mencari guru untuk mendapat ilmu. Mereka ingin menggunakan ilmu itu untuk menyadarkan kedua orangtua mereka.
Keduanya sampai di sebuah gubug. Didalam gubug itu ada seorang kakek yang sudah tua. Mereka mengetuk pintu. "Silakan masuk," kata kakek tua. Kusmantoro berkata, "Kami, kakak beradik yatim piatu. Kami ingin berguru pada kakek."
Kakek itu bernama Panembahan Manraba. Panembahan Manraba menerima keduanya menjadi muridnya. Panembahan Manraba menurunkan ilmunya pada Kusmantoro dan Kusmantari. Keduanya ternyata berbakat. Dengan cepat mereka menguasai ilmu-ilmu yang diberikan.
Suatu malam Panembahan memanggil mereka berdua. "Anakku, Kusmantoro dan Kusmantari. Untuk sementara sudah cukup kalian berguru di sini. Ilmu-ilmu lainnya akan kuberikan setelah kalian melaksanakan satu amalan." ."Amalan apa itu, Panembahan?" tanya Kusmantari. "Besok pagi, petiklah dua kuntum melati di samping gubug ini. Lalu berangkatlah menuju istana di sebelah Barat desa ini. Berikan dua kuntum bunga melati itu kepada Pangeran Aji Lesmana dan Putri Rauna. Mereka ingin menyadarkan Raja dan Ratu, kedua orang tua mereka."
Kusmantoro dan Kusmantari terkejut. "Dua kuntum melati itu bermanfaat menyadarkan Raja dan Ratu dari perbuatan buruk. Namun, dua kuntum melati itu hanya berkhasiat jika disertai kejujuran hati," kata Panembahan Manraba.
Ketika akan tidur, keduanya memikirkan pesan Panembahan. Apakah mereka harus berterus terang kalau mereka adalah Pangeran Aji Lesmana dan Putri Rauna? Jika tidak berterus terang, berarti mereka berbohong, tidak jujur.
Akhirnya, mereka jujur kepada Panembahan. "Kami mohon maaf Panembahan. Kami bersalah karena tidak jujur kepada Panembahan."
Saya mengerti, Anak-anakku. Saya sudah tahu kalian berdua adalah Pangeran Aji Lesmana dan Putri Rauna."
Setelah itu, Pangeran Aji Lesmana dan Putri Rauna berangkat ke istana. Setibanya di istana, ternyata ayah dan ibu mereka sedang sakit.
Lalu Putri Rauna meracik dua kuntum melati dari Panembahan. Kemudian memberikannya pada orang tuanya. Ajaib ! Sembuhlah Raja dan Ratu. Sifat mereka pun berubah. Pangeran dan Putri Rauna sangat bahagia. Mereka meminta bibit melati ajaib itu pada Panembahan. Dan menanamnya di taman mereka. Sehingga istana mereka dikenal dengan nama Istana Bunga. Istana yang penuh dengan kelembutan hati dan kebahagiaan.
The Flower Palace
ago, there
lived a cruel king and queen. The king and queen
have good sons
and daughters. Their properties are very different
with their parents. Prince Aji Lesmana
and Princess Rauna
always help people
who have trouble.
day, Prince
Aji Lesmana angry
at his father and mother, "Mom and Dad evil. Why troubling
the poor people?", the King and Queen
was very angry hear word of their son.
"Do not set parents
! Because you have did wrong, I will punish you.
Get out of this palace!
" kick the King. Prince Aji Lesmana
was not surprised. Precisely Princess Rauna a
surprise, then she cried to her father and
mother ." Do
not kick Brother ! If punish brother had
to go, I went
away! "
King and Queen Princess Rauna let
go. They roamed.
Changing its name to Kusmantoro and Kusmantari.
They are also looking
a teacher to
get science. They wanted to use science
to bring both
their parents.
Both came to a hut.
In the hut there
was a grandfather
who is old.
They knocked on the door. "Come in," said the old man. Kusmantoro
said, "We orphaned
brother and sister. We want to studied on grandpa."
Grandfather's name was Panembahan Manraba. Panembahan Manraba
received both become
his students. Panembahan Manraba lowered his
knowledge there Kusmantoro
and Kusmantari. Both
were have talented. They quickly mastering the
sciences are given.
One night Panembahan
calling both of them. "my child, Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. For the
time being is enough you studied here.
other sciences will
I give after you
perform one practice."
. 'Practice what
it is, Panembahan? "Kusmantari
asked. "Tomorrow morning, pick the two
jasmine petals on
the side of this hut.
Then went to
the palace in the west of this village. Give
two jasmine flowers
to the Prince Aji Lesmana and Princess Rauna.
They want to realize
the King and Queen,
both their parents."
When going to
sleep, they think the message Panembahan. Do they have to be honest if they are
the Prince Aji Lesmana and Princess Rauna? If it does not honest, then they
lied, dishonest.
Finally, they
were honest with Panembahan. "We apologize Panembahan. We are wrong for
not honest with Panembahan."
I understand,
My children. I already know you two are the Prince Aji Lesmana and Princess
Rauna. "
After that, Prince Aji Lesmana and Princess Rauna went to the palace. Arriving at the palace, apparently father and their mother was sick.
After that, Prince Aji Lesmana and Princess Rauna went to the palace. Arriving at the palace, apparently father and their mother was sick.
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