dan Kiku
dua ekor burung kecil yang tinggal di dahan pohon. Mereka bernama Kiki dan
Kiku. Kedua burung itu bersahabat, tetapi tabiat mereka berbeda. Kiki selalu
bangun pagi sebelum matahari terbit. Ia berolahraga di dahan-dahan pohon,
meloncat dari dahan ke dahan, terbang mengelilingi pohon-pohon dan menyanyi.
Kiki paling senang, bila ia dapat melihat matahari terbit.
pagi matahari yang baik," sapa Kiki ramah. "Selamat pagi juga, Kiki !
Ho ho ho, pagi ini lagi-lagi kau bangun lebih pagi dariku," sahut
dan Kiki hampir setiap hari mengobrol. Kalau Kiki rajin bangun pagi, Kiku
sebaliknya. Ia tak pernah bangun kalau matahari belum berada di atas pucuk
pohon. Karena tidur terlalu lama dan jarang berolahraga, Kiku sering sakit.
Kiki jengkel dengan kemalasan Kiku. Karena ia tak bisa membereskan tempat
tidurnya pada pagi hari.
mencari akal agar Kiku tidak malas bangun pagi lagi. "Kiku, pernahkah
engkau makan cacing?" tanya Kiki pada suatu hari. "Belum, bagaimana
rasanya?" Kiku merasa tertarik. "Belum pernah makan cacing? Kalau
begitu jangan sebut dirimu burung. Setiap burung sejati pasti pernah makan
cacing setiap pagi," kata Kiki sambil menepuk dada. "Kalau begitu aku
akan mencari cacing," kata Kiku penasaran. "Kau akan cari cacing di
mana?" tanya Kiki. "Aku? Aku tidak tahu," sahut Kiki malu.
"Aku mau memberi tahu. Asal kau mau bangun pagi-pagi besok."
"Baiklah!" , jawab Kiku.
harinya, seperti biasa Kiku bangun sebelum matahari terbit. Ia bersusah payah
membangunkan Kiku. Karena Kiku masih mengantuk, Kiku sering menutup matanya.
Kiku ! Ayam sedang mengais-ngais tanah. Cacingnya banyak sekali ! Tidakkah
engkau ingin memakannya?" tanya Kiki. Seketika itu Kiku yang berjalan
sambil terkantuk-kantuk, membuka matanya. "Petok. Petook ! Ayo Kiki, ajak
temanmu sarapan bersama," ajak Ayam. Mereka pun sarapan pagi dengan
"Kiki, aku sudah makan
cacing. Jadi aku adalah burung sejati," kata Kiku. "Tapi burung
sejati pun selalu bangun sebelum matahari terbit," kata kiki. "Aku
akan membiasakan bangun pagi mulai sekarang. Karena ternyata bangun pagi itu
menyenangkan. Aku merasa badanku sangat sehat," kata Kiku. "Mulai
sekarang kita bisa berolahraga pagi." kata Kiki. "Tentu, kalau begitu
mari kita terbang. Satu, dua, tiga!" seru Kiki. Kedua burung itu melesat
ke udara. Mereka terbang dengan riang di antara dahan-dahan pohon.
and Kiku
There are two small
birds that live on a tree branch. They named Kiki and Kiku. Both birds were friendly,
but their character is different. Kiki always get up early before sunrise. He
was working out in the branches of trees, jumping from limb to limb, flying around
the trees and singing. Kiki most happy, if he could see sunrise.
"Good morning sun is good," said Kiki friendly. "Good morning also, Kiki! Ho ho ho, this morning once again you get up earlier than me," said Sun.
Sun and Kiki almost every day chatting. If Kiki diligent got up early, Kiku opposite. He never woke up when the sun not yet above the tree tops. Because sleep too long and seldom sports, Kiku is often sick. Kiki annoyed with Kiku’s laziness. Because he could not clear his bed in the morning.
"Good morning sun is good," said Kiki friendly. "Good morning also, Kiki! Ho ho ho, this morning once again you get up earlier than me," said Sun.
Sun and Kiki almost every day chatting. If Kiki diligent got up early, Kiku opposite. He never woke up when the sun not yet above the tree tops. Because sleep too long and seldom sports, Kiku is often sick. Kiki annoyed with Kiku’s laziness. Because he could not clear his bed in the morning.
Kiki find
a way for Kiku to not lazy get up early
again. "Kiku, did you eat worms?"
Kiki asked one
day. "Not yet, how it feels?" Kiku
feel interested. "Never eat worms? Then do not call yourself
a bird. Any real
bird would never
eat worms every
morning," Kiki said, patting
his chest. "Then I'll look for worms,"
said Kiku curious.
"You will find
worms where?" asked Kiki. "Me?
" I do not know,
"said Kiki shame.
"I want to
give knew. As long as you want to get up early tomorrow."
"All right!" , said Kiku.
The next day, as usual Kiku wake up before sunrise. He struggled to wake Kiku. Because Kiku still sleepy, Kiku often closes his eyes.
The next day, as usual Kiku wake up before sunrise. He struggled to wake Kiku. Because Kiku still sleepy, Kiku often closes his eyes.
Kiku! Chicken was pawing the ground. Worm lot! Do not you want to eat it?"
asked Kiki. Immediately Kiku running while nodding off, opening his eyes.
"Petok. Petook! Come on Kiki, take your friend breakfast together,"
said Chicken. They had breakfast in the morning with happy.
"Kiki, I've been eating worms. So I was a real bird," said Kiku. "But the real bird was always awake before sunrise," said Kiki. "I'll get up early from now. Because got up early was fun. I feel my body is very healthy," said Kiku. "from now we can sport in the morning." Kiki said. "Sure, then let fly. One, two, three!" Kiki exclaimed. Both birds were shot into the air. They flew merrily among the branches of trees.
"Kiki, I've been eating worms. So I was a real bird," said Kiku. "But the real bird was always awake before sunrise," said Kiki. "I'll get up early from now. Because got up early was fun. I feel my body is very healthy," said Kiku. "from now we can sport in the morning." Kiki said. "Sure, then let fly. One, two, three!" Kiki exclaimed. Both birds were shot into the air. They flew merrily among the branches of trees.
Sombong dan Kura-Kura
sebuah hutan, ada seekor Kelinci yang sombong. Dia suka mengejek hewan lain
yang lebih lemah. Seperti kura-kura, siput, semut. Hewan-hewan kecil lain tidak
ada yang suka pada kelinci sombong itu.
hari, si Kelinci berjalan dengan angkuhnya mencari lawan yang lemah untuk
diejeknya. Dia bertemu dengan kura-kura. "Hei, kura-kura, si lambat, kamu
jangan hanya jalan, larilah, biar cepat sampai," kata Kelinci sombong. "Biarlah
Kelinci, memang jalanku lambat. Yang penting aku sampai dengan selamat ke tempat
tujuanku, daripada cepat nanti jatuh dan terluka," jawab Kura-kura dengan
kura-kura, bagaimana kalau kita lomba lari. Kalau kau bisa menang aku akan beri
hadiah apapun yang kau minta," kata Kelinci dengan tertawa. Dalam hatinya
dia berkata, "Mana mungkin dia akan bisa mengalahkanku."
kelinci, mana mungkin aku lomba lari denganmu, kamu bisa lari dan loncat dengan
cepat, sedangkan aku berjalan selangkah demi selangkah sambil membawa rumahku
yang berat ini," kata kura-kura. "Nggak bisa, kamu nggak boleh
menolak tantanganku ini. Pokoknya besok pagi aku tunggu kau di bawah pohon. Aku
akan menghubungi Pak Serigala untuk jadi wasitnya," Kelinci memaksa. Kura-kura
hanya bisa diam. Dalam hatinya berkata, "Mana mungkin aku bisa mengalahkan
harinya kelinci sudah menunggu di bawah pohon beringin. Pak Serigala juga sudah
datang untuk menjadi wasit. Setelah kura-kura datang, Pak Serigala berkata,
"Peraturannya begini, kalian mulai dari garis start itu".
"Bisa... Bisa... ," Kelinci dan kura-kura menjawab. "Nah siapa
yang bisa datang duluan di garis finish ini, itulah yang menang," kata Pak
Satu.... Dua... Tiga... Mulai !" Pak Serigala memberi aba-aba. Kelinci
segera meloncat mendahului kura-kura, yang mulai melangkah pelan, karena dia
tidak bisa meninggalkan rumahnya. "Ayo kura-kura, lari dong.....!"
teriak Kelinci. "Baiklah aku tunggu di sini ya...," katanya lagi
sambil mengejek kura-kura. Kelinci duduk sambil bernyanyi. Angin waktu itu
berhembus pelan dan sejuk, sehingga membuat Kelinci menjadi mengantuk, dan tak
lama kemudian Kelinci pun tertidur !
pelan tapi pasti kura-kura melangkah sekuat tenaga. Dengan diam-diam dia
melewati Kelinci yang tertidur pulas. Ketika itulah Kelinci bangun. Betapa
terkejutnya dia ketika melihat kura-kura sudah hampir mencapai finish. Sekuat
tenaga dia berlari dan meloncat untuk mengejar kura-kura. Namun sudah
terlambat, kura-kura telah sampai di garis finish dan Pak Serigala telah
memutuskan bahwa pemenangnya adalah KURA-KURA. Kelinci Sombong terdiam seolah
tak percaya bahwa dia bisa tertidur.
siapa yang menang Kelinci?" tanya kura-kura kepada kelinci. "Wah,
ternyata kau menang kura-kura," jawab kelinci malu. "Sekarang aku
hanya minta satu dari kamu, kamu jangan sombong lagi, jangan suka mengejek
lagi, dan jangan nakal ya?" kata kura-kura. "Iya lah kura-kura, mulai
sekarang aku tidak akan sombong lagi, tidak akan mengejek lagi. Maafkan aku
ya," kata kelinci. "Iya, tidak apa-apa, sekarang kita berteman
ya?" kata kura-kura. Sejak saat itu Kelinci tidak sombong lagi.
The Arrogant Rabbits and The Turtle
In a forest, there
was a arrogant rabbit. He
likes to taunt other
animals that are
weaker. Like the turtles, snails, ants. Other small
animals no one likes arrogant to rabbits.
One day, the Rabbit run by arrogantly looking for a weak opponent for taunt. He met with the turtle. "Hey, the turtle, the slow, you do not just roads, run, let me quickly," said Rabbit arrogant. "Let the Rabbit, it's my way slowly. The important I arrived safely to the place of my destination, faster than later fell and hurt," said Tortoise calmly.
One day, the Rabbit run by arrogantly looking for a weak opponent for taunt. He met with the turtle. "Hey, the turtle, the slow, you do not just roads, run, let me quickly," said Rabbit arrogant. "Let the Rabbit, it's my way slowly. The important I arrived safely to the place of my destination, faster than later fell and hurt," said Tortoise calmly.
"Hey, the
turtle, what if we race. If
you can win I'll
give any presents you
asked," said Rabbit with laugh. In her
heart she said, "How
could he be able
to beat me."
"That rabbit, how could I race with you, you can run and jump quickly, while I go step by step while carrying my heavy, "said the turtle. "Can not, you can not refuse this my challenge. The point tomorrow morning I'm waiting for you under the tree. I will contact Mr. Wolf to be referee," Rabbit force. Turtles can only be silent. In his heart said, "No way I can beat the Rabbit?"
The next day the rabbit was waiting under a banyan tree. Mr. Wolf also has come to be a referee. After the turtle come, Mr. Wolf said, "The rule is like this, you start from the starting line that. " "Can ... Can ...," Rabbit and the turtle replied. "Now anyone who could come first at the finish line is, that's a win," said Mr. Wolf.
"That rabbit, how could I race with you, you can run and jump quickly, while I go step by step while carrying my heavy, "said the turtle. "Can not, you can not refuse this my challenge. The point tomorrow morning I'm waiting for you under the tree. I will contact Mr. Wolf to be referee," Rabbit force. Turtles can only be silent. In his heart said, "No way I can beat the Rabbit?"
The next day the rabbit was waiting under a banyan tree. Mr. Wolf also has come to be a referee. After the turtle come, Mr. Wolf said, "The rule is like this, you start from the starting line that. " "Can ... Can ...," Rabbit and the turtle replied. "Now anyone who could come first at the finish line is, that's a win," said Mr. Wolf.
"Okay, ... One .... Two ... Three ... Go!"
Mr. Wolf gave the
cue. Rabbit jump immediately preceded
the the turtle, which began
to walk slowly, because he could
not leave his
house. "Let's get the
turtle, run .....!" shouted Rabbit. "I'll wait here Yeah ...," he
said, taunting the
turtle. Rabbit sitting while
singing. The wind the
time exhale slowly and cool,
making the Rabbit became sleepy, and soon
the Rabbit slept!
Slowly but surely stepping the turtle hard. Silently he passed Rabbit was asleep. When the Rabbit's wake. How shocked he was when he saw the turtle had almost reached the finish. Hard he ran and jumped to catch the turtle. But it was too late, the turtle has reached the finish line and Mr. Wolf has decided that the winner is the turtle. Arrogant Rabbit paused as if not believing that he could fall asleep.
"Now, who won Rabbit?" asked the turtle to the rabbit. "Well, it turns out you win the turtle,"said the shame rabbit. "Now I just ask one of you, you do not be arrogant again, do not like to taunt again, and do not be naughty yeah ?" said the the turtle. "Yes is turtle, from now on I will not be arrogant again, will not be taunted again. Forgive meyeah." said the rabbit. "Yeah, okay, now we are friends yeah ?" said the the turtle. Since then that Rabbit was not arrogant anymore.
Slowly but surely stepping the turtle hard. Silently he passed Rabbit was asleep. When the Rabbit's wake. How shocked he was when he saw the turtle had almost reached the finish. Hard he ran and jumped to catch the turtle. But it was too late, the turtle has reached the finish line and Mr. Wolf has decided that the winner is the turtle. Arrogant Rabbit paused as if not believing that he could fall asleep.
"Now, who won Rabbit?" asked the turtle to the rabbit. "Well, it turns out you win the turtle,"said the shame rabbit. "Now I just ask one of you, you do not be arrogant again, do not like to taunt again, and do not be naughty yeah ?" said the the turtle. "Yes is turtle, from now on I will not be arrogant again, will not be taunted again. Forgive meyeah." said the rabbit. "Yeah, okay, now we are friends yeah ?" said the the turtle. Since then that Rabbit was not arrogant anymore.
Keong Emas
Suatu hari datanglah seorang pangeran yang sangat tampan dari Kerajaan Kahuripan ke Kerajaan Daha. Pangeran tersebut bernama Raden Inu Kertapati. Maksud kedatangannya ke Kerajaan Daha adalah untuk melamar Candra Kirana. Akhirnya Candra Kirana ditunangkan dengan Raden Inu Kertapati.
Dewi Galuh merasa iri. Kerena dia merasa kalau Raden Inu Kertapati lebih cocok untuk dirinya. Oleh karena itu Dewi Galuh lalu pergi ke rumah Nenek Sihir. Dia meminta agar nenek sihir itu menyihir Candra Kirana menjadi sesuatu yang menjijikkan dan dijauhkan dari Raden Inu. Lalu menyihir Candra Kirana menjadi Keong Emas, dan dibuang ke sungai.
Suatu hari seorang nenek sedang mencari ikan dengan jala, dan keong emas terangkut dalam jalanya. Keong Emas itu lalu dibawanya pulang dan ditaruh di tempayan. Besoknya nenek itu mencari ikan lagi di sungai, tetapi tak mendapat ikan seekor pun. Kemudian Nenek tersebut memutuskan untuk pulang saja. Sesampainya di rumah ia sangat terkejut, karena di meja sudah tersedia masakan yang sangat enak. Si nenek bertanya-tanya pada dirinya sendiri, siapa yang mengirim masakan ini ?
Kejadian itu terjadi sampai beberapa hari, keesokan paginya nenek ingin mengintip apa yang terjadi. Setelah beberapa saat, nenek sangat terkejut. Karena keong emas yang ada di tempayan berubah menjadi gadis cantik. Gadis tersebut lalu memasak dan menyiapkan masakan di meja. Lalu nenek tersebut bertanya kepada gadis cantik itu. “Siapakah kamu ini, putri cantik, dan dari mana asalmu?”, tanya si nenek. "Aku adalah putri kerajaan Daha yang disihir menjadi keong emas oleh nenek sihir utusan saudaraku karena merasa iri kepadaku", kata keong emas. Setelah menjawab pertanyaan dari nenek, Candra Kirana berubah lagi menjadi Keong Emas.
Sementara pangeran Inu Kertapati tak mau diam saja ketika tahu Candra Kirana menghilang. Lalu mencarinya dengan cara menyamar menjadi rakyat biasa.
Akhirnya Raden Inu tahu dimana Candra Kirana berada. Ia harus pergi ke desa Dadapan. Setelah berjalan berhari-hari sampailah ia ke desa Dadapan. Ia menghampiri sebuah gubuk untuk meminta seteguk air karena perbekalannya sudah habis. Di gubuk itu ia sangat terkejut, karena dari balik jendela ia melihat Candra Kirana sedang memasak. Akhirnya sihir dari nenek sihir pun hilang karena perjumpaan itu. Akhirnya Raden Inu membawa tunangannya beserta nenek yang baik hati tersebut ke istana, dan Candra Kirana menceritakan perbuatan Dewi Galuh pada Baginda Kertamarta.
Baginda minta maaf kepada Candra Kirana dan sebaliknya. Dewi Galuh lalu mendapat hukuman yang setimpal. Karena Dewi Galuh merasa takut, maka dia melarikan diri ke hutan. Akhirnya pernikahan Candra kirana dan Raden Inu Kertapati pun berlangsung, dan pesta tersebut sangat meriah. Akhirnya mereka hidup bahagia.
The Golden Snail
In the kingdom of Daha, there
lived two very beautiful princess. Was a beautiful princess named Candra Kirana and Dewi Galuh.One day there came a very handsome prince from the Kingdom Kahuripan to the kingdom of Daha. Prince was named Raden Inu Kertapati. The purpose of their visit to the kingdom of Daha is to propose Candra Kirana. Finally Candra Kirana was engaged with Raden Inu Kertapati.
Dewi Galuh feel
jealous. Because she felt that Raden Inu Kertapati more suitable for her. Therefore
Dewi Galuh then went to old woman's house witch. She asked that the witch is conjured
Candra Kirana into something nasty and kept away from Raden Inu. Then conjured Candra
Kirana became golden snail, and thrown into the river.
One day, an old woman was looking for fish with nets, and transported in nets of golden snail. golden snail was then brought home and placed in jars. The next day the old woman was looking for again fish in the the river, but did not get a fish too. Then old woman decided to go home. At home he was very surprised, because the table already available dishes are very delicious. The old woman wondered to himself, who sent this dish?
The incident happened
until a few days, the next morning old woman wanted to peek what happened. After
a while, old woman was very surprised. Because the golden snails in the jars turned
into a beautiful girl. So the girl to cook and prepare food on the table. Then the
old woman asked the beautiful girl. "Who are you, beautiful princess, and from
where you come ?", asked the old woman. "I am the daughter of the
kingdom of Daha who bewitched into of golden snail by witch envoy y sisters because she feeling jealous to me", said the golden
snail. After answering a question from the old woman, Candra Kirana changed again
into golden snail.
While Inu Kertapati prince did not want to silent when they know Candra Kirana disappeared. Then find a way disguised as ordinary people.
While Inu Kertapati prince did not want to silent when they know Candra Kirana disappeared. Then find a way disguised as ordinary people.
Finally Raden
Inu knew where
Candra Kirana is
located. He must go to the village
Dadapan. After walking for days and came to
the village Dadapan. He went to a hut to ask for a sip of water because
supplies already discharged.
In the hut he was
very surprised, because
from behind the window
he saw Candra
Kirana was cooking.
Finally the magic of the witch is gone
because of that encounter. Raden Inu finally
bring his fiancee and old woman who is
kind to the palace, and Candra Kirana
told the actions of Dewi Galuh on king Kertamarta.
The king apologized to Candra Kirana and otherwise. Dewi Galuh then gets justly punished. Because the Dewi Galuh feel scared, so she fled into the forest. Finally wedding Candra kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati was held, and the party is very fun. Eventually they live happily.
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