Friday, February 5, 2016

finally... backed up !

Tupai dan Ikan Gabus

Di sebuah telaga ada seekor tupai bersahabat dengan seekor ikan gabus. Persahabatan mereka sangatlah kuatnya.

Pada suatu hari Ikan Gabus jatuh sakit. Badannya sangat lemah. Dengan penuh perhatian Tupai menunggui temannya itu. Sudah beberapa hari Ikan Gabus tidak makan. Maka Tupai berusaha membujuknya. Namun Ikan Gabus hanya mau makan kalau diberi makan hati ikan Hiu.

Mendengar permintaan Ikan Gabus, Tupai menjadi sangat sedih. Sulit sekali memenuhi permintaan sahabatnya itu. Ikan Hiu adalah hewan yang sangat ganas dan hanya hidup di
lautan lepas. Namun akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk mencarinya.

Maka ia pun meloncat-loncat dari pohon ke pohon hingga sampai ke sebuah pohon kelapa yang batangnya menjorok ke laut. Dengan perlahan si Tupai melobangi sebutir biji kelapa. Setelah airnya habis, ia pun masuk ke dalam kelapa itu. Dari dalam kelapa itu ia masih dapat menggerogoti tangkai buah kelapa itu.

Tak lama kemudian buah kelapa itu sudah terlepas dari tangkainya dan tercebur ke laut lepas. Ombak laut itu sangat besar. Sehingga dalam waktu tidak lama, buah kelapa itu sudah berada ditengah laut lepas. Tiba-tiba datanglah seekor Ikan Hiu besar. Dengan segera ia menelan biji kelapa tersebut bulat-bulat. Setelah berada di dalam perut ikan itu, Tupai lalu menggigiti hatinya. Ikan itu menggelepar menuju pantai. Sesampainya di pantai, Ikan Hiu sudah kehabisan tenaga dan akhirnya mati.

Dengan senang hati Tupai membawa hati Ikan Hiu itu untuk sahabatnya. Dengan ajaibnya setelah memakan hati Ikan Hiu, Si Ikan Gabus menjadi sembuh total. Ia meloncat-loncat dengan gembiranya. Ia pun berjanji akan menolong si Tupai kalau ia sakit di hari kemudian.


Squirrels and Catfish

In a lake there is a squirrel with a catfish friendly . Their friendship is very strong.

On a day Catfish fell sick. Her body was very weak. Squirrel with care waiting for his friend. Catfish had been several days not eating. So the squirrel tried to persuade him. But Catfish would only eat if fed liver Shark.

Hearing requests Gabus Fish, Squirrel became very sad. It was difficult to meet the demands of his friend. Shark is a very ferocious animal and only lives in the open sea.

But eventually he decided to look for it. Then he jumped up and down from tree to tree until it gets to a coconut tree the trunk jutting into the sea. With slowly the squirrel make a hole for a seed coconut. After the water was discharged, he entered into the coconut. From the coconut that he still could undermine the coconut fruit stalk.

Soon after coconuts had been released from the stems and fallen into the the open sea. Sea waves were very big. So that the time is not long, coconuts were already at the center of the open sea. Suddenly there came a great Shark. He immediately swallow the coconut seed round. Once in the stomach the fish, squirrel then biting him. The fish was flounder toward the beach. Arriving at the beach, Shark was exhausted and eventually die.

With happy Squirrel bring hearts Shark to his friend. With miraculously after eating liver Shark, The catfish be recovered. He jumped up and down with joy. He also promised to help the squirrel when he was sick in the hereafter.

Kancil dan Siput

Pada suatu hari kancil ngantuk sekali. Kancil sesekali menguap. Hari itu cukup cerah. Ia mulai berjalan-jalan menelusuri hutan. Sampai di sebuah bukit, kancil berteriak dengan sombongnya, “Wahai penduduk hutan, akulah hewan yang paling cerdas, cerdik dan pintar di hutan ini. Tidak ada yang bisa menandingi kecerdasan”.

Dengan sombongnya, kancil mulai berjalan menuruni bukit. Ketika sampai di sungai, ia bertemu dengan seekor siput. “Hai kancil”, sapa siput. “Kenapa kamu teriak-teriak?”, tanya siput. “aku ingin memberitahukan pada semua penghuni hutan kalau aku ini hewan yang paling cerdas, cerdik dan pintar”, jawab kancil.

“Sombong sekali kamu, akulah hewan yang paling cerdik di hutan ini”, kata Siput. “untuk membuktikannya, bagaimana kalau besok kita lomba lari?”, kata Siput. “Baiklah aku setuju”, jawab Kancil. Akhirnya mereka berdua setuju untuk mengadakan perlombaan lari besok.

Setelah kancil pergi, siput segera mengumpulkan teman-temannya. Ia meminta tolong agar teman-temannya bersembunyi di jalur perlombaan, dan menjawab kalau kancil memanggil.

Akhirnya hari yang dinanti sudah tiba, kancil dan siput pun sudah siap untuk lomba lari. “Apakah kau sudah siap untuk berlomba lari denganku”, tanya kancil. “Tentu saja sudah, dan aku pasti menang”, jawab siput. Kemudian siput mempersilahkan kancil untuk berlari dahulu dan memanggilnya untuk memastikan sudah sampai mana siput.

Kancil berjalan santai, dan merasa yakin kalau dia akan menang. Setelah berlari, kancil memanggil siput. “Siput.... dimana kamu?”, teriak kancil. “Aku ada di depanmu!”, teriak siput. Kancil heran dan mempercepat larinya. Kemudian ia memanggil siput lagi, dan siput menjawab dengan kata yang sama.

Tiap kancil memanggil siput, ia selalu berkata bahwa dia ada depan kancil. Keringatnya bercucuran, kakinya terasa lemas. Kancil terus berlari, akhirnya dia melihat garis finish. Dia merasa bahwa dialah pemenang dari perlombaan lari itu.

Betapa terkejutnya kancil, karena dia melihat si siput sudah duduk di batu dekat garis finish. “Hai kancil, kenapa kamu lama sekali? Aku sudah sampai dari tadi!”, teriak siput. Dengan menundukkan kepala, kancil menghampiri siput dan mengakui kekalahannya. “Makanya jangan sombong, kamu memang cerdik dan pandai, tetapi kamu bukanlah yang terpandai dan cerdik”, kata si siput. “Iya, maafkan aku siput, aku tidak akan sombong lagi”, kata kancil.

Mouse Deer and the Snail

On a day once a sleepy Mouse Deer. The Mouse Deer occasional yawn. The day was quite bright. He began to walk through the forest. Up on a hill, Mouse Deer screaming with pride, "O forest dwellers, I'm the most intelligent animals, clever and smart in this forest. Nothing can match my intelligence ".

With his pride, Mouse Deer began to walk down the hill. When we reached the river, he met a snail. "Hi Mouse Deer", said the snail. "Why are you screaming?", asked the snail. "I want to inform on all forest dwelling animal if I was the most intelligent, clever and smart", replied the Mouse Deer.

"Very arrogant you, I'm the most smart animal in this jungle, " said Snail. "to prove it, what if tomorrow we race?", said the Snail. "Well I agree", said The Mouse Deer. Eventually they both agreed to hold a race tomorrow.

After the Mouse Deer go, snails quickly gather his friends. He asks for help for his friends hide in the race track, and respond if Mouse Deer call.

Finally, the awaited day has arrived, Mouse Deer and snail were ready to race. "Are you ready to race away with me", asked the Mouse Deer. "Of course I have, and I must win", replied the snail. Then snails allow Mouse Deer to run first and had to call him to confirm where the snails.

The Mouse Deer run relaxed, and feel confident that he will win. After a run, summon Mouse Deer snail. "Snail....  where are you? ", screamed Mouse Deer. "I'm in front of you!", screamed the snail. The Mouse Deer surprise and speed up his run. Then he called again snail, and snail respond with the same word.

Every Mouse Deer call the snails, he always says that he is the front Mouse Deer. Sweat streaming down, her legs felt weak. The Mouse Deer kept running, he finally saw the finish line. He felt that he was the winner of that race.

How shocked Mouse Deer, because he saw the snail was sitting on a stone near the finish line. "O Mouse Deer, why are you so long? I've been arrived the last! ", screamed the snail. With bowed head, approached the snail and admit defeat. "So do not be arrogant, you are smart and intelligent, but you are not the most intelligent and smart, " said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snail, I would not be proud again", said the Mouse Deer.

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